Monday, July 19, 2010


20 July 2010
01:13 am
The Attic

Nolan's Inception, has made two things clear to me. Number one, that your desires drive you to create your reality,  a reality which may exist in your own rambling head. And when I find out what your desire is, I will help you create your reality. Because I want you to act a certain way. Because I want something from you. Because what I want from you will help ME create a reality I wanted for myself.

Number two - that you are, no matter how much you resist, driven and defined by your relationships. Saito is scared to die alone. Fischer craves for his father's approval. Mal wants to reconcile with her lover. Cobb wants to go home. Where is home? Home is where his kids are waiting for him.

A combination of these creates a seductively elusive tool of persuasion. If I create a reality of relationships for you, you will get me what I want. And guess what, I didn't do it. YOU did!

Inception. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Go watch. Especially if you're into people. Or dreams.